I wouldn't say so. Actually, I think this is why life is so freeing for the atheist. In the end, every day can be its own meaning. We can choose it as we go. Do you wish to enjoy this dinner you are having? Well, that is your life now. Enjoy it. Do you wish to see this movie? That is your life now. Enjoy it.
For the Christian, that meaning is fragmented. They must live in accordance with God's Gospel, which constructs them to preach it to the end of the Earth. Each moment in the Christian's life is a reminder of how many millions are going to hell. They can try to contextualize this and say that a Christian life is about "joy" and "communion with God," but, really, they are ignoring Jonathan Edward's central thesis in his essay "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," namely, that God is coming back (as evident in Revelations) -- and he's bringing vengeance, punishment, and death.