I am not in the business of judging people and neither am I in the business of defending fallible people.
Nonetheless, I am curious as to where you get the evidence for MacAskill’s $10,000 plane trips? Assuming that these are plural.
If you read carefully, I mention the “animal rights movement” which is “arguably” traced to the 1970s and, yes, Singer was — once again — “arguably” among the chief popularizers of the movement.
Your comment does not really discredit anything I said.
I never said these intellectuals are infallible and that they do not make mistakes in moral living — don't we all? I also never said that animal rights did not get any credit before Singer. If you read my other work, I am well aware of the influence of earlier Utilitarians like Bentham and Mill, but of course others, especially in the East.
But thanks for continuing the conversation.