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Antisemitism is NOT Dead
“At night I read a lot, constantly envying all the heroes of my novels because they lived in different times.” — Dec. 1939, Adam Czerniakow, Warsaw ghetto diary
I have been a teaching assistant for a class on the Holocaust over the past semester. Presently, I am just finishing up marking some finals. Going over the material, I have been reminded yet again that Jews were treated disproportionately worse than anyone killed in the Second World War.
The only ones who come close to the mistreatment of the Jews were the Romani and Sinti populations.
Ghettos, concentration camps, extermination camps, death marches, killing squads, and other means of killing targeted Jews disproportionately.
The Einsatzgruppen (Nazi killing squad) killed 1.4 million Jews face to face, including women, children, and the elderly. They did this across towns in what is now today Lithuania, Ukraine, Poland, and Belarus, among others.
Millions of Jews were killed in ghettos, gas chambers, death marches, and in the streets or fields. Hundreds of thousands died from starvation.
Many were killed in horrific ways. Some were buried alive in large mass graves for the thousands killed in a day. This was the…