Actually, I am surprised myself with how much I was writing in the past year, along with jobs and grad school, it was definitely a lot.
But I stumbled into real burnout a number of times during the year. Now, I am finding it more difficult to motivate myself as much as last year. But that's probably natural. Slowly but surely.
Contributors, in what way do you mean?
I have noticed that similar blogs in popularity receive much less financial reward. That is fine simply because of the substance. Substance is important. But I wonder how long writers will stick around when they notice that an article that may have made $100 in the past, is now making $20.
I still need to look into the algorithm to understand this difference, to be honest. But, yes, it looks like Medium has change the distribution system. I am undecided if it's for better or for worse, but I am definitely making much less as of August when they rolled it out. And the quality of the articles hasn't gone down I wouldn't say.