2019: A Year in Blog Posts

Jakub Ferencik
6 min readJan 5, 2020


It’s that time of year again where I look back at the year and assess how it went and what I should do differently. It’s like that for most of us. I do think that’s a good thing. When considering what to change, however, I think it’s important to focus on spending more time with friends and alone and less time working and being “productive”.

Source: Unsplash

I have become more sensitive to the needs of a quiet and reflective life over the year and thus have had a less productive one.

That’s something worth celebrating, I’d say.

Nonetheless, here’s a list, if you’re interested in some reads:













I hope I spend less time blogging next year and more time reflecting and resting. That is my resolution, believe it or not.

I hope the same comes to you!

Please contact me about anything related to my blogs if you wish.

I appreciate all the support and feedback!

Before you go…

🗣 I love connecting with fellow thinkers. Find me on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, or Instagram.

I’d love if you’d share the article on Facebook/TWITTER if you want your friends to benefit from it in some way at all.

I write to keep you thinking and to keep me thankful and reflective. Cheers and until next time,

keep reflecting.



Jakub Ferencik

Journalist in Prague | Author of “Up in the Air,” “Beyond Reason,” & "Surprised by Uncertainty" on AMAZON | MA McGill Uni | 750+ articles with 1+ mil. views